I’m in the process of moving to Las Vegas where I’ll be focused working with TrickSupply.com and if you’re looking for some quality magic, I suggest looking in that direction

Conn’s FAKO Pack


57 Useful Trick Cards! Macdonald’s Aces, Wild Card, 3 1/2, 52 0n 1, Blank Back, Red/Blue, Blank Face & More! Full list of cards in description


We hand pack these unique decks to provide optimum value

You’ll receive 57 gaffed cards including:

4 double sided Aces (MacDonald’s Aces)
4 Double Sided Court Cards (Wild Card)
a Three 1/2 of Clubs
a 52 on 1 2 Low value double facers
2 Blank backed spot cards
Double Faced Jokers
2 Same both sides court cards
10 Blank Face Cards
10 Blank/Blank Cards
10 Red/Blue Cards
10 Red/Red Dbl Backers

Additional information

Weight 3 oz